Mallie Loring Pratt
On view:
December 14, 2023 - February 10, 2024
Opening Reception:
Thursday, December 14th, 5:30-8:00PM

Mallie Loring Pratt, Mailbox Monday, 48” x 36”, oil on canvas
About the Artist
Pratt earned her BFA from Rhode Island School of Design in 2009 and her MAT from Tufts University/SMFA in 2015. Her work focuses on the subjective relationships between individuals and the natural world. With a background in the study of many art media and landscape architecture, Pratt now works from her studio in Ipswich, MA.
Her work is in private and corporate collections throughout the country. Pratt has shown work at Montserrat College of Art, the RISD Museum, and is a member of the Essex Art Collective. She is represented by Artemis Gallery in Northeast Harbor, Maine.
My paintings explore memory and sensory encounters in the natural world. I am interested in the way we tether ourselves to place and how the textures, colors, and symbols associated with a specific place become part of our being. I try to piece together the emotional and nostalgic aspects of change in the natural world, as mimicked in our own lives and bodies.